Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Rose Garden Refurbishment

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The Rose Garden has just undergone a refurbishment to its corporate suites to give the cronies who turn up not to watch the game, but watch each other, a reason to pay their fees each year. A new bar -- 60 feet long -- is included in the deal. Hopefully this season will provide a little less reason to drown one's sorrows at the game.

Well, since the Rose Garden Bar has gone under the knife, maybe we'll have to do the same here soon at the Rose Garden Blog, in preparation for the beginning of the season. Facelift to come...

Also of (possibly more) interest in the article above, on page 2, are details of the financial arrangements that Paul Allen has made with the Rose Garden in the past. Interesting reading for those not totally up-to-date on that situation.

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